What to Expect During Your IUI Journey

Artificial insemination, often called intrauterine insemination or IUI, is a treatment used to address common fertility issues in either partner or impregnate a woman via a sperm donor. We sometimes call IUI treatment “low-tech” fertility treatment as it involves a sperm sample and a catheter that inserts sperm into the uterus.
Compared to other fertility treatments, this process is relatively straightforward and does not require the use of anesthesia or technologically advanced equipment.
IUI fertility treatment is often best for women who have trouble ovulating, men with mild male fertility factors, and same-sex women couples looking to get pregnant via a donor. The ideal female candidate for IUI will need functioning ovaries, Fallopian tubes, and a uterus.
IUI fertility treatments are right for many people, and patients often wonder what to expect from their IUI journey.
This blog post will lay out all the facts, so you know what to expect on your journey. We will walk you through each step of IUI treatment detailing what you can expect on each stage.
Detailed Walkthrough of the IUI Process
Starting or continuing your family is important. For women who have trouble ovulating or those who have blockages or scar tissue in their reproductive system, IUI represents an improved chance of getting pregnant without choosing “high-tech” fertility options like IVF or INVOcell.
Let’s take a closer, detailed look at the five steps of the IUI process so you can know what to expect on each step of the journey.
Step One: Dr. Chin will Determine Your Menstrual Cycle
When embarking on your IUI journey, the first crucial step is to have a thorough understanding of your menstrual cycle.
To accurately track your cycle, Dr. Chin may measure your hormone levels or perform ultrasounds to pinpoint when you'll be ovulating. This precise timing is crucial, as it ensures that the insemination procedure aligns with the optimal period for conception. If your menstrual cycle starts on a weekend, don't worry! Dr. Chin is committed to providing comprehensive care, so appointments will be scheduled regardless of the day.
The ultrasound is done to perform a thorough examination of your ovaries. This step ensures that there are no cysts present and no developing follicles that could interfere with the procedure.
In addition, bloodwork will be done to assess your hormone levels and rule out the possibility of pregnancy.
Step Two: Sperm Sample Collection and Sperm Washing
The next step is the collection of a semen sample. At this point, your partner will either be asked to provide a sperm sample or a donor's frozen sample will arrive at our office.
When it comes to collecting a sperm sample, your fertility specialist will provide you with specific instructions. Typically, the sample is collected at our fertility clinic. We offer a private room where the male partner can comfortably provide the sample.
Once the sample is collected, it undergoes a process called sperm washing. This procedure involves separating the healthy sperm cells from seminal fluid, debris, and other unwanted substances. Sperm washing is performed in our laboratory by our team of medical fertility experts.
The goal of sperm washing is to ensure that only the best quality and motile sperm are used for the IUI procedure. By removing potentially harmful substances and concentrating the sperm, the chances of a successful pregnancy are increased.
If you have concerns or questions about the sperm sample collection or sperm washing processes, contact our team or ask Dr. Chin during your appointment.
Step Three: Intrauterine Insemination (IUI)
Once Dr. Chin has successfully identified your ovulation window, he will prepare you for the IUI process.
A thin catheter is gently inserted into the uterus through the cervix, and the healthy sperm is delivered directly into the uterine cavity. This procedure is usually painless and does not require anesthesia. You might experience mild cramping or discomfort, but it usually subsides quickly.
The success rate of IUI varies depending on factors such as the quality of the sperm sample, the woman's age, and any underlying fertility issues. However, on average, the chances of pregnancy with IUI range from 10% to 20% per cycle, according to the National Health Institute. It may take multiple attempts before achieving a successful pregnancy.
Step Four: Rest and Progesterone Test.
After undergoing an IUI procedure, it is important to allow your body time to rest and recover. Dr. Chin advises resting for about one week after the procedure. This downtime allows your body to relax and reduces any potential stress that could interfere with the implantation process.
Once the rest period is over, Dr. Chin will perform a progesterone test. This involves a simple blood draw to check your progesterone levels. Progesterone is a hormone that is crucial for supporting a healthy pregnancy. It prepares the uterine lining for implantation and helps maintain the pregnancy in its early stages.
By assessing your progesterone levels, Dr. Chin can ensure that they are within the appropriate range to support pregnancy. If necessary, he may prescribe progesterone supplements to boost your levels and enhance your chances of a successful pregnancy.
Step Five: Pregnancy Test
The fifth step of the IUI journey is to administer a pregnancy test, typically about two weeks after the insemination.
After these two weeks, Dr. Chin will also schedule a beta HCG test and an ultrasound to assess the health of your ovaries after the stimulation process. These additional tests help ensure that everything is progressing as expected and that your body is responding well to the treatment. Your beta HCG levels will determine if you are pregnant.
If the pregnancy test comes back negative, there is no need to lose hope. It is important to remember that achieving pregnancy through IUI often requires multiple attempts. Your fertility specialist will work with you to determine the next steps and whether another round of IUI is recommended.
Fertility Treatment and Care in Cincinnati with the Fertility Wellness Institute
IUI is one of the most common treatments that couples or single women undergo on their road to parenthood. IUI can be performed with a partner or using donor sperm and is especially relevant for women who have trouble ovulating, men with low sperm counts, and same-sex female couples.
If you are looking to get pregnant or dealing with unexplained infertility, then Dr. Chin and the team at the Fertility Wellness Institute are here for you. Dr. Chin has been Cincinnati's trusted fertility doctor for over thirty years and has helped women and couples conceive over 15,000 babies.
Whether you are just starting out or have been trying to get pregnant for many years, Dr. Chin is here for you with compassion and understanding. Our team is committed to giving you the information and resources you need for the next step of your fertility journey.
Click here to schedule a consultation with Dr. Chin today!
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