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Treating Fertility Issues with Dr. Chin

Treating Fertility Issues with Dr. Chin

If you have fertility issues or suspect that you might have fertility issues, then you know that there is nothing more important than your treatment. You need to understand your condition and discover the best path towards parenthood. 

The Fertility Wellness Institute of Ohio takes your care as seriously as you do. It is our goal to hear your story and your needs. We want to help make your journey a successful one, starting from your first visit. 

When new patients come to us, they often wonder how The Fertility Wellness Institute's own, Dr. NeeOo Chin, nurse practitioner Haley, and the rest of our care team help them pursue the best treatment options available to them. 

This blog entry will help answer some of the most pressing questions our patients have regarding their fertility treatment and fertility medical conditions and what they can expect from Dr. Chin and the rest of the team when they come to The Fertility Wellness Institute for treatment. Keep reading to learn more. 

Dr. Chin

Fertility Treatment that is Centered on You 


As a board-certified Reproductive Endocrinologist, Dr. Chin believes that every patient has a story to tell. It is the teams, at the Fertility Wellness Institute, job to listen and figure out how to make the patient's journey a success. We are here to serve as your guides and advisors as you walk within the boundaries of your limits.  

We promise dedicated care and a team of fertility experts who have the knowledge and experience to treat your needs. We accept both patients referred to us by other medical doctors and patients who have sought us out independently.  

We love the community we have created at our Cincinnati location. Our patients are often referred to us by their friends, family, and neighbors, and sometimes the babies we helped create decades ago come to us to pursue treatment. 

Support from family, friends, and loved ones is important when going through fertility treatment. Learn more about supporting loved ones going through fertility treatment here! 


The First Steps in Fertility Treatment 


When patients come to us, they are sometimes unsure of what to expect. Let's look at a few questions that patients commonly have when we first see them.  

I have seen another fertility specialist in the past, will that affect my care? 

Typically, the only difference in care is that we will not repeat the same tests that were already performed by your other provider. If we feel your previous care was appropriate, then we will launch from what you have already done.  

However, we will always listen to you and your story. If we feel that certain areas were overlooked by your previous provider, then we will explore your full array of options. 

For example, patients sometimes come to us with scar tissue or blockages in their reproductive organs that inhibit fertility. Many other fertility experts recommend in vitro fertilization (IVF) as a means of treatment. Other treatments like intrauterine insemination (IUI) have also shown success and could be an option for treatment. 

What will my first meeting with Dr. Chin be like? 

The first meeting will consist of about 45 minutes of face-to-face discussion with the patient or couple regarding their history, needs, and goals. They will meet Dr. Chin for the first time along with nurse practitioner Haley. Dr. Chin and Haley will work as a team throughout your treatment. 

We feel that it is very important to sit and talk with our patients during this first meeting as it establishes a personal relationship, and helps us fully understand what they hope to get out of working with us.  

Does the Fertility Wellness Institute schedule a second appointment for tests and diagnostics, or do you do it all in one appointment?  

If possible, we will do all the tests and diagnostics during your first appointment.  

However, there often isn't time to get everything done, so a second appointment for testing is often necessary, especially if there is more than one person involved, like a partner. We need to consider everyone's schedules and find times that work for everyone. 

What are some tests I might encounter? 

A hormonal blood test is usually the first step. This tells us a lot about female patient's ovulation and menstrual cycles and gives us a peak into what might be going on. We also may test to access the fallopian tubes and uterus to look for signs of blockages or other issues like endometriosis or polycystic ovarian syndrome

For men, we may collect a semen sample to test for sperm health. 

Once Dr. Chin has made a diagnosis, what is the next step? 

It all depends on the diagnosis. In most cases, we will develop a customized plan that works within your boundaries. Some diagnoses have different outcomes than others. In some cases, certain options won't work for you.  

After we have a diagnosis, we will present our plan to you and proceed with what is comfortable for you. Some patients prefer to contribute to the decision-making process and others want the Fertility Wellness Institute team to guide them.  

Our philosophy is that this is your journey, and it is our responsibility to guide you and help in any way possible. We will take everything as slow or as fast as each individual patient needs.  

The staff at the Fertility Wellness Institute of Ohio

Pursuing Fertility Treatment with the Fertility Wellness Institute of Ohio 


No two paths to parenthood are the same. Everyone has their own journeys and their own challenges. The Fertility Wellness Institute of Ohio is here to help you navigate your journey and feel your goals. Dr. Chin is a board-certified reproductive endocrinologist who has decades of experience helping patients meet their fertility goals.  

Dr. Chin will work with you and your diagnosis to create a custom fertility plan that is geared specifically toward staying within your boundaries. He will make sure your voice is heard and that your needs are met.  

Click here to schedule an appointment at the Fertility Wellness Institute today! 

Follow the Fertility Wellness Institute of Ohio on Facebook, Instagram, X, and LinkedIn!    

Do you want to share your fertility journey with the Fertility Wellness Institute of Ohio? Click here to share your story! 

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