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How Long Does Fertility Treatment Take?

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How Long Does Fertility Treatment Take?

Aug 5, 2024
A woman and a man touch the woman's stomach while looking at a pregnancy test text reads how long does fertility treatment take

If you are starting up your fertility journey, then you may be wondering how long in vitro fertilization (IVF) or intrauterine insemination (IUI) will take. The answer varies from person to person and their body's needs. There is no one timeline or model that you should follow. We call it a fertility journey because it is just that, a prolonged sojourn towards your goals.  

No two paths will be the same. Some roads will be straight and narrow, others will be long and winding. Trying to prescribe an ideal timeline for your journey is often counterintuitive in the long run and can lead to feelings of frustration or failure.  

That said, there are a few stages of the journey that do have a predictable timeline, like the initial consultation or the diagnostic testing, but the part of the journey that we most often think of, IVF or IUI, often has a variable timeline. Trying to put a week or month value on these stages of the journey will do no good.  

Let's take a closer look at each stage of the fertility journey and discuss a few things that you can expect on each leg of the process.  

What a Fertility Journey Looks Like 

Just as every patient is unique, no two fertility journeys look the same. Some people choose to persevere and push through long journeys, others choose to attempt pregnancy in shorter bursts and take rests in between attempts.  
Below we will lay out some stages of the fertility journey. We will discuss what happens in each stage and what you can expect to happen next.  

Initial Consultation 

The first step of the fertility journey, during the initial consultation you will meet with your new reproductive endocrinologist to discuss your goals, needs, and your previous experience with fertility treatment.  

This will be a longer meeting and at the end, your doctor will decide on the best course of action for you and your partner. They may order some diagnostic tests, including blood tests (e.g., hormone levels, AMH, FSH), semen analysis, transvaginal ultrasound, and possibly hysterosalpingography (HSG) or saline sonogram, depending on your history and your needs. 

During this appointment, your doctor may also discuss some potential treatment options for you. They will work to discover a pathway that you are comfortable with and is right for your needs. This process typically takes 1-2 weeks. 

Diagnostic Testing and Follow-Up 

If your doctor has decided that diagnostic testing is right for you, they will work with you to schedule an appointment for testing within the next few weeks. Testing will help your doctor and their team gather detailed information about your fertility status and will help them identify any issues or key factors they need to know.  

Blood Test

Typically done on days 2-4 of your mensural cycle, a blood test will measure your hormone levels. 

Semen Analysis 

This test will measure a male partner's sperm count, morphology, and motility.


This test will give your doctor a look at your ovaries and uterus for structural issues or damage. 

HSG or Saline Sonogram 

Designed to check for blocked fallopian tubes or uterine abnormalities. 
After this, there may be a follow-up appointment to discuss the results of your tests and finalize your treatment plan. This process usually takes 1-2 weeks. 

Treatment Planning and Preparation 

At this point, your doctor and fertility team may take some time to schedule your treatment over the next few weeks or months. You can expect a more detailed explanation of your treatment including the specifics of each procedure and any medications you may need to take.  

At this appointment, your doctor may also advise you on diet, exercise, supplements, and any other lifestyle adjustments they advise you to make. This process usually takes 1-2 weeks. 

Ovulation Induction 

Before you begin IUI, IVF, or another form of fertility treatment your doctor may opt to induce ovulation. This looks different for each person. To induce ovulation your doctor may choose to give you oral medication such as Clomid or Letrozole, or they may prescribe injectable gonadotropins.  

After you receive ovulation induction medication, your doctor will have you back for an ultrasound to check on your ovulation, or they may perform follow-up blood tests to check for follicle growth and hormone levels. Ovulation induction usually takes between 1-2 weeks. 

Intrauterine Insemination or In Vitro Fertilization 

At this point, your doctor will begin what we typically think of when discussing fertility treatment, IUI, or IVF. There are other options as well, such as INVOcell, but we will stick to discussing IUI and IVF as they are the most common treatments.  


During IUI, your partner or donor's semen will be washed to remove impurities and then it is concentrated. Your doctor will then inject the concentrated sperm directly into the uterus during ovulation. 

While the injection itself typically takes between five to ten minutes, each round of IUI takes approximately four weeks (to coordinate with your menstrual cycle) between injections and at the Fertility Wellness Institute of Ohio we recommend at least three rounds of IUI before pursuing other options.  


IVF is a fertility treatment where a woman's eggs are extracted surgically and then fertilized outside the body. Providing success, the embryo is then implanted back into the uterus.  

The timeline for IVF can vary, but it usually takes several weeks or more than a month per round of treatment.  

IVF often takes multiple rounds to be successful. Of course, it can result in pregnancy after the first round, but immediate success should not be counted on. Each round of  IVF takes at least four weeks, aligning with your mensural cycle. 

If IVF does not result in pregnancy, some women prefer to take a break before their next round, and others prefer to try again immediately. The best course of action can be determined by you, your partner, and your doctor. 

Post-Treatment Monitoring 

This step will take place in conjunction with IUI or IVF. If treatment is successful and you become pregnant this step will include monitoring the early stages of pregnancy to check for progress. Or, if the treatment is not successful you and your doctor will discuss further treatment and your next steps. 

Fertility Treatment at The Fertility Wellness Institute of Ohio 

Everyone's fertility journey is different. For some it is quick, for others, it takes many years. However, whatever your fertility journey looks like, you have options to choose from. 

If you are looking for a board-certified reproductive endocrinologist, Dr. NeeOo Chin and the team at the Fertility Wellness Institute of Ohio are here for you. Our team will work with you and listen to your needs to help you meet your fertility goals and start or continue your family. 

Click here to reach out to the Fertility Wellness Institute and schedule your appointment now!

Follow the Fertility Wellness Institute of Ohio on Facebook, Instagram, X, and LinkedIn!     

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